Urbant Elopement Bland Seattles Skyskrapor
Inlägget innehåller reklam
Aaron och Kendra möttes på en runda i mataffären. Sedan den dagen har de stått vid varandras sidor, och en vacker vårdag valde de att äntligen säga ja till varandra. De valde att kombinera elopement med bröllopsfest, och tog med sig en vigselförrättare och foto Arlene Chambers Photography till en vacker vigselplats innan de åkte tillbaka till Kendras föräldrars trädgård för att fira med sina vänner. Paret var först väldigt inställda på att bara ha ett elopement, men valde sen att ändå fira med sina nära efter vigseln. Så smart kombination av bröllopsformer om man vill ha lite av båda!
Det blev ett enkelt, urbant och vackert elopement med porträttfoton mitt bland Seattles skyskrapor. Idag får vi ta del av deras stora dag.
Söker du trycksaker? Ta hjälp av företagen nedan inför ditt bröllop eller andra tillställningar!
By Stina Design
Fotografen Arlene Chambers berättar om kendra och aaron
“Aaron and Kendra both longed to start a family together, they knew our engagement would be right around the corner and then SURPRISE- that little white stick came back positive and their family was going to start right then and there. They slowly spread the news, slightly hesitant because of some shame that they were experiencing, but this little bundle of joy was reshaping all they knew.
With baby Olson quickly growing they decided there is no time like the present so, in 3 weeks they put together an elopement and family celebration to follow. If it weren’t for all the loving hearts and hands surrounding them, there would have been no way to pull it off. They knew they wanted something small and then Aaron said “but I want to host a party for everyone” so they got to work contacting incredible vendors who sacrificed plans and rearranged schedules to accommodate their last minute elopement and reception. Kendra’s mom helped her pool ideas together and started creating a vision for the day. Friends didn’t hesitate to offer their beautiful decorating assistance.
They decided a tent in her parents driveway would be a good option, so her family spent 3 weeks revamping the yard and sacrificing every afternoon and weekend to get everything organized and into shape. Kendra’s dad, a world-renowned chef, offered to cook the meal for everyone. He made his famous, salmon. His friends manned the BBQ’s and hosted guests while they were in Seattle at Kingstreet Station saying I DO.”
Söker ni en fotograf till ert bröllop, elopement eller förlovning? Spana in de skickliga fotograferna nedan!
Malin Norlén
Fotograf i Stockholm
Matildas tillvaro
Fotograf i Umeå
Martin Kiessling
Fotograf i Stockholm
Fotograf: Arlene Chambers Photography
Plats: King Street Station
Kostym: The Black Tux
Design och dekoration: Juliet + Lou
Klädsel: BHLDN